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Interview from Qualita

Talia Cywiak , Talia C Art , is an #artist who has been working with #glass for 25 years to make unique works. From #stained-glass to #commissioned design, artworks for home decoration, but also #wedding gifts., insta: taliaglassartist.

I'm so proud to be contacted by Qualita online radio for an interview on me and my business to talk and explain who I am? What I do? and what I offer.

I talk about my specialty, the Jewish wedding gifts, judaica gifts and custom stained-glass.

I go deeply into the Chuppah breaking glass kits and speak about interesting orders I got.

I was very happy to speak about my passion and explain why and how I started my business.

It was a lovely moment that I shared with a great interviewer. I feel grateful and happy.

The interview is in French, my mother tongue.

Here is the link to watch the interview online on Facebook.

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